Americans’ with Disabilities

Employers must provide individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from the employment-related opportunities available to others.

This includes recruitment, hiring, promotions, training, pay, and social activities.

Companies assume incorrectly that workers with hearing impairment will cause safety hazards, increase employment costs, or have difficulty communicating in fast-paced environments. In reality, with or without reasonable accommodation, individuals with hearing loss can be effective and safe workers.

If your client has been discriminated against in any of these areas due to deafness or hearing impairment, Dr. Traynor can assist with your case.

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Board Certified Audiology Expert Witness Robert Traynor can help with your legal matter through expert testimony.

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Every situation is different. Dr. Traynor is available to discuss your case at your convenience. Contact us today for a confidential, no obligation consultation.
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