Robert Traynor Audiology, LLC provides expert witness testimony to legal professionals concerning audiovestibular issues.
Expertise to Arrive at Just Settlement
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Has your client been in a MVA and is now complaining of hearing loss, tinnitus, or dizziness?
Product Liability/Injury
Defects in commercially available products have been known to cause hearing loss and/or tinnitus.
Audiology malpractice pertains to practice outside the area of expertise or negligent treatment by the practitioner.
Occupational Noise
Hearing loss injuries may be the result of work-related activities.
Americans’ w/ Disabilities
Equal opportunity for the hearing impaired is a prime focus of this company.
Ototoxic Chemical Exposure
Exposure to certain chemicals or fumes can cause auditory damage.
Railroad Incidences
Hearing related incidents at railroad crossings have occurred.
Acoustic Blast Injury
Explosion exposure can result in severe hearing impairment and tinnitus.
Worker’s Comp
Auditory injury on the job may result from unexpected events or unsafe working conditions.
Recreational Injury
These injuries may result in hearing loss and/or tinnitus.
Dept. of Corrections
Incarcerated individuals with hearing loss are susceptible to discrimination.
Law Enforcement
A suspect’s hearing impairment may not be a consideration during an apprehension.
Forensic Audiology: A Guide for the Expert Witness
Forensic Audiology: A Guide for the Expert Witness is a unique book written for audiologists who are interested in broadening their practice to include acting as an expert witness in legal cases. While audiologists may feel that their training, experience, and specialization prepares them to become an expert witness, it is critical to have an understanding of the special processes, customs, etiquette, and tactics involved in the legal profession, and how to develop a forensic audiology practice.
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Dr. Robert Traynor
Dr. Robert Traynor is an expert in forensic audiology offering more than mere expertise within his profession.
With over 40 years of patient care and in-depth investigation skills as an academic, he understands the needs of attorneys striving to reach a fair settlement for their clients with audiovestibular injuries. Since expert witnesses are primarily authorities within their field, not all are oriented to the legal system. Dr. Traynor has taken the time, energy, and effort to receive specialized training as an expert witness from attorneys that coach experts on report writing, depositions and trial testimony.
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Board Certified Audiology Expert Witness Robert Traynor can help with your legal matter through expert testimony.
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Every situation is different. Dr. Traynor is available to discuss your case at your convenience. Contact us today for a confidential, no obligation consultation.
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